Do you feel wiped out at the end of every day, feeling like you're a day late and a dollar short? Like there's some invisible list of expectations that the world has hung over your head and is double checking to make sure you're measuring up? Like you're supposed to master the art of balancing it all? Like maybe everyone you know is in on the secret of how to do EVERYTHING while simultaneously laying everything down right at the feet of Jesus?
Insert a sea of raised hands right here. In today's special LIVE episode, Kayla, Kristi, Shannon, and Lindsy chat about what it looks like to live like Jesus, who modeled grace, rest, and intentional sacrificial living. There's freedom in Jesus, y'all, and that freedom makes space for abundant life, not busy life. Come join us around the podcast table and then join us over on Facebook and Instagram for the rest of the conversation! With love {and boiled peanuts} from Rocky Mount, Lori
7/25/2017 06:30:32 am
All writing is affected by the bias from the author. academic help can also be affected by the bias of instructors and reigning experts. For example, a buddy was studying children’s literature. One story they studied was Little Red Riding Hood, and also the instructor was adamant the red hood symbolized the child’s promiscuity.
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September 2017